Safeguarding Policy

Policy Statement

Dynamic Training UK Ltd is actively committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of all our learners and fully recognises its responsibilities for protecting vulnerable groups. Dynamic Training UK Ltd believes that it is always unacceptable for a child (A ‘child’ is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years and up to their 18th birthday), young person or adult to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk, by a commitment to practice which protects them.

The aim of the policy is to ensure commitment understanding and responsibilities, and to identify signs that there might be a safeguarding concern and to take action.

The Dynamic Training Safeguarding Team
Dynamic Training UK Ltd as part of its duty of care has appointed a Safeguarding Team with a Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (SDSL) and Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) to support the process of safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk. The safeguarding team includes members of the senior management team.

Anyone can report a safeguarding concern directly to any of the safeguarding team who will then follow internal processes to ensure that the need of the learner / staff member is assessed / met.

It is the policy of Dynamic Training UK Ltd to report any and all safeguarding concerns to one to the DSL team via our safeguarding email inbox within 24 hrs of the concern being raised.

The Dynamic Training UK Ltd Safeguarding Team 
To contact any of our Designated Safeguarding Leads you can call 0208 6077850 or email .


Our Designated Safeguarding Team
Senior Designated Safeguarding Leads (SDSL)

Claire Gardner – Managing Director 

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

Vanessa Cole - Head of Quality & Operations

James Powell - Delivery Manager

Oliver Hill – Head of Apprenticeships & Commercial

Prisca Mwandia - Curriculum Lead – Functional Skills

In an emergency
If you think a child(A ‘child’ is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years and up to their 18th birthday), young person or adult is in immediate danger you should call 999 and Young people/When to call the police guidance for schools and colleges


You must also be aware that young persons with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) up the age of 24 also come under child legislation.

Working with External Agenices

Dynamic Training's Designated Safeguarding Leads will refer and work with the appropriate regional or borough external agencies to ensure our learners are safe at all times. The referral agency will be identified based on the learner's home address. Dynamic Training will maintain up-to-date records of key external agencies available for ease of access by our Designated Safeguarding teams.

Scope and purpose of this policy Scope

This policy covers safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk, learners and those learners of sub-contracted employer provider & supporting provider provisions. This policy also aligns our compliance with the Government Prevent strategy.



An adult at risk (previously vulnerable adult) is defined as anyone aged 18 or over and at risk of abuse including seeing, hearing or experiencing its effects, neglect or exploitation because of their need for support or personal circumstance.


The purpose of this policy is:

·        To provide protection for the children, young people or adults at risk who receive Dynamic Training UK Ltd services,

·        To provide staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt if they suspect a child, young person or adult at risk may be experiencing, or be at risk, of harm or radicalization.


Mitigating Risk 
We apply the following 6 principles of safeguarding to mitigate risk to children, young people and adults:

1.     Empowerment - People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent

2.     Prevention - It is better to take action before harm occurs.

3.     Proportionality - The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.

4.     Protection - Support and representation for those in greatest need.

5.     Partnership - Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting abuse, neglect or exploitation.

6.     Accountability - Accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice.

We seek to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk by ensuring:

·          valuing them, listening to and respecting them

·          adopting child/adult protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and learners

·          sharing information about child/adult protection and good practice with children, parents/carers, staff and learners sharing information about concerns with agencies

·          who need to know, and involving parents/carers and young people/adults at risk appropriately

·          providing effective management for staff through supervision, support and training. Safeguarding and Prevent training will be included in the mandatory induction for staff and will be updated every 3 years as a minimum.

·          that we have Designated Safeguarding Leads who have received appropriate training and support for this role

·          that all staff and learners are aware of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. Designated Safeguarding Leads are discussed during induction, via the learner handbook and via posters located throughout the training centres and website and during internal training and awareness sessions

·          that all staff are aware and understand their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and in being alert to the signs and indicators of abuse and for referring any concerns directly to the Designated Safeguarding Leads

·          that effective safeguarding procedures are developed, implemented and monitored to ensure their effectiveness. These procedures are based on the 5R’s approach of Recognition, Response, Record, Report, and Refer

·          that we develop effective links with relevant external agencies, local safeguarding boards and co-operate with any requirements with any safeguarding referral matters

·          that our safeguarding is effective and aligned to Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework.

·          that we keep written records of safeguarding concerns, even when there is no need to refer the matter to the relevant agencies.

·          that all records are stored securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018)

·          establishment or use of existing mechanisms for understanding the risk of radicalisation

·          that staff understand the risk of radicalisation

·          that staff communicate and promote the importance of duty of care

·          staff implement safeguarding and are trained sufficiently

·          we operate safer recruitment practices in accordance with the legislative document Keeping children safe in education (Sept 2024)

·          we maintain a Single Central Register (SCR) of all safer recruitment checks carried out in line with statutory requirements. A senior member of staff checks the SCR regularly to ensure that it meets statutory requirements.

·          all staff have current DBS to the enhanced level even if it is not required in the job description as there could be the opportunity for staff to come into contact with learners of all ages. All staffs Enhanced Level DBS will then be rechecked every 3 years

·          that staff raise awareness of safeguarding throughout the organisation and ensuring that staff are equipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge to support learners effectively and help keep them safe

·          staff raise awareness of safeguarding to all of our learners and ensuring that the learners who are most vulnerable are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to keep them safe

·          we develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases or suspected cases of abuse including seeing, hearing or experiencing its effects.

·          we establish safe environments in which vulnerable groups can learn and develop

·          establish and maintain an environment where learners feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to

·          learners know that there are designated staff within Dynamic Training UK Ltd whom they can approach if they are concerned or worried

·          we include opportunities within our ongoing assessment process and classroom delivery for learners to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe

·          we have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism

·          following the enrolment onto any of our programmes, All Learners must complete mandatory modules on Safeguarding, Online Safety and Prevent and British Values. This will be the start of the on-going natural embedding into their curriculum.

·          We recognise and adhere to the statutory requirements within the following important and relevant pieces of safeguarding legislation:

o   Children Act 1989

o   Education Act 2002

o   Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)

o   Children and Families Act (2014)

o   Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024)

o   Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act

o   Protection of Freedoms Act (2012)

o   Disclosure and Barring Service Code of Practice (updated 2015)

o   Sexual Offences Act (2003)

o   Every Child Matters (2004)

o   Equality Act (2010)

o   The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Prevent)

o   Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (Sept 2020).


What is safeguarding and Child Protection?

Safeguarding is what we do as a society to protect individuals (in particular, children and vulnerable adults) from harm such as abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

Safeguarding ensures children grow up with the best life chances and that all individuals are given safe and effective care.


Child protection is very similar—however, child protection is what we do as a society to protect children who have already experienced abuse, neglect, or exploitation, or have otherwise been harmed.  In short terms, safeguarding is what we do to prevent harm, while child protection is the way in which we respond to harm.

Recognise – Respond – Record - Report

We are committed to reviewing this policy and good practice annually.

It applies to all learners under the age of 18 (child) or those over 18 who are considered to be ‘adults at risk’.

Achild is anyone under the age of 18 years and up to their 18th birthday.


The term ‘vulnerable adult’ has been used to replace ‘adult at risk’. This is because the term ‘adult at risk’ may wrongly imply that some of the fault for the abuse lies with the adult abused.


An adult aged 18 years or over ‘who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation’ (DH, 2000). This definition is taken from the current Department of Health guidance to local partnerships. Other definitions exist in partner organisations.


An adult at risk may therefore be a person who:

·        is elderly and frail due to ill health, physical disability or cognitive impairment

·        has a learning disability

·        has a physical disability and/or a sensory impairment?

·        has mental health needs including dementia or a personality disorder

·        has a long-term illness/condition?

·        misuses substances or alcohol

·        is a carer such as a family member/friend who provides personal assistance and care to adults and is subject to abuse

·        is unable to demonstrate the capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.

(This list is not exhaustive.)

What is Abuse
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children and young people may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger for example, via the internet. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children.

Please see Annex B: Categories of Abuse for a breakdown of the types of Abuse and neglect


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right.


What helps good mental health?

For children to remain mentally well they need:

·        good physical health (including good diet and regular exercise).

·        to be able to explore and develop interests (through their environment, play and interaction with others).

·        to feel part of a family (feeling as though they belong, get along with others, are loved, valued and safe).

·        to be supported to learn, be optimistic and feel that they have a say.

·        to feel part of a community (e.g., school / nursery / etc.).

·        to be supported to cope when things do not go well.

·        to be supported to learn how to problem solve.



Is any form of bullying which takes place online or through smartphones and tablets. Social networking sites, messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms such as Facebook, Xbox Live, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other chat rooms can be great fun and a positive experience.

Is a highly intrusive practice, which typically involves someone taking a picture under another person’s clothing without their knowledge, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks (with or without underwear). It is now a specific criminal offence in England and Wales.

Radicalisation and extremism

Some children and adults maybe exposed to extreme religious and social beliefs which could damage their own family relationships and risk their safety in society and not be recognised as British Values. Exposure could be accessed through social/religious and political groups, media and the internet. It is having vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.


'Keeping Children Safe in Education’ recognise other safeguarding issues which may give cause for concern:

Serious Violent Crime

All staff to be alert to indicators that may signal that children are at risk from, or involved with, serious violent crime. Such indicators include:

·        increased unexplainable and/or persistent absences from provision

·        a change in friendships or relationships with older individuals or groups

·        a significant decline in performance

·        signs of self-harm or a significant change in wellbeing

·        signs of assault or unexplained injuries

·        unexplained gifts or new possessions

Child Criminal Exploitation County Lines

County Lines is a very serious issue where criminal gangs set up a drug dealing operation in a place outside their usual operating area. Gangs will move their drug dealing from big cities (e.g. London, Manchester, Liverpool etc.) to smaller towns to make more money. This can have a big effect on the community who live there and bring with it serious criminal behaviour.

·        Can affect any child or young person (male or female) under the age of 18 years.

·        Can affect any vulnerable adult over the age of 18 years.

·        Can involve force and/or enticement-based methods of compliance and is often accompanied by violence or threats of violence;

·        Can be carried out by individuals or groups, males or females and young people or adults; and; whilst age may be the most obvious, this power imbalance can also be due to a range of other factors including gender, cognitive ability, physical strength, status and access to economic or other resources.

Some of the signs of county lines involvement and exploitation are:

·        A child or young person going missing or unexplainable and/or persistent absences from education or home or significant changes in emotional well-being

·        A person meeting unfamiliar adults or a change to their behaviour

·        The use of drugs and alcohol

·        Acquiring money or expensive gifts they can’t account for

·        Lone children from outside of the area

·        Individuals with multiple mobile phones, tablets or ‘SIM cards’

·        Young people with more money, expensive clothing, or accessories than they can account for

·        Unknown or suspicious looking characters coming and going from a neighbour’s house

·        Relationships with controlling or older individuals or associations with gangs

·        Suspicion of self-harm, physical assault or unexplained injuries

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Child sexual exploitation is a form of sexual abuse where children are sexually exploited for money, power or status. It can involve violent, humiliating and degrading sexual assaults. In some cases, young people are persuaded or forced into exchanging sexual activity for money, drugs, gifts, affection or status. Consent cannot be given, even where a child may believe they are voluntarily engaging in sexual activity with the person who is exploiting them. Child sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact and can happen online. A significant number of children who are victims of sexual exploitation go missing from home, care and education at some point.

Some of the following signs may be indicators of sexual exploitation:

·        Children who appear with unexplained gifts or new possessions

·        Children who associate with other young people involved in exploitation

·        Children who have older boyfriends or girlfriends

·        Children who suffer from sexually transmitted infections or become pregnant

·        Children who suffer from changes in emotional well-being

·        Children who misuse drugs and alcohol

·        Children who are missing or unexplainable and/or persistent absences from education

·        Children who go missing for periods of time or regularly come home late

·        Children who regularly miss school or education or don’t take part in education.


Child on child sexual violence and sexual harassment

As part of the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024) is about how we identify, report and record sexual violence and sexual harassment.

Sexual violence and sexual harassment can occur between two children of any age and sex, from primary through to secondary stage and into further education.


As a Provider, Dynamic Training recognises that we need to be vigilant to the behaviours that have the potential to affect young people once they start their apprenticeship.


We are aware that sexual harassment or violence can occur through a group of children sexually assaulting or sexually harassing a single child or group of children. Sexual violence and sexual harassment exist on a continuum and may overlap; they can occur online and face to face (both physically and verbally) and are never acceptable.

All staff working with children and young people, including vulnerable adults, are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’.


Addressing inappropriate behaviour (even if it appears to be relatively innocuous) can be an important intervention that helps prevent problematic, abusive and/or violent behaviour in the future.


Children who are victims of sexual violence and sexual harassment wherever it happens, will likely find the experience stressful and distressing. This will, in all likelihood, adversely affect their educational attainment.


Dynamic Training UK Ltd recognises we should be aware that safeguarding incidents and/or behaviours can be associated with factors outside the school or college, including intimate personal relationships (see also sections on child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation.

Physical signs that may indicate that a child or vulnerable adult is being or has been abused:

·        Unexplained or suspicious injuries, particularly if such an injury is unlikely to have occurred accidentally

·        An injury for which the child’s or adult’s explanation appears inconsistent

·        Bruising/burns/cigarette burns/fractures which are unexplainable

·        Genital injuries/infections/bleeding or discomfort

·        Sudden speech disorders, delayed development, failure to grow

·        Constant hunger, stealing food, frequently dirty, smelly,

·        Untreated medical conditions or lack of treatment for illness or injury

A behavioural sign that may indicate a child or adult has been abused or is being abused:

·        Inappropriate sexual awareness or sexually explicit behaviour

·        The child appears distrustful of adults

·        Unexplained changes in behaviour

·        Concerning behaviour

·        Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outburst

·        Running away, not wanting to go home

·        Cover up clothing to hide injuries

·        Flinching when approached, fear of adults, fear of men or women

·        Depression, low mood, self-harm, eating disorders

·        Sexualised language, play, drawings or knowledge

·        Nightmares, bed wetting

·        Behaving increasingly secretively, possessing unexplained amounts of money, gifts

·        Drug and alcohol abuse, suicide

·        Excessive lack of confidence, need for approval, attention or affection

·        Missing or unexplainable and/or persistent absences from classes, appointments, being continually late

·        Difficulty forming relationships, no friends

The recognition of abuse is not easy, and it is not the place of staff to make such a judgement. However, it is their responsibility to act on concerns in order to safeguard the welfare of the child/adult. If you feel uneasy about something you have seen or heard which could be deemed to be child abuse, seek advice from a Dynamic Training Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

Reporting the concern - Doing nothing is not an option

In some cases of suspected abuse parents/carers may not be informed first. This is the decision of the Designated Safeguarding Lead.


Reasonable physical restraint to prevent a child from harming themselves, another person, or from causing serious damage to property is not deemed to be abuse.


Once you suspect or know of any abuse of any child or vulnerable adult, you should immediately inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead in person or by telephone.

Even if you have only heard rumours or abuse, or you have a suspicion but do not have firm evidence, you should still contact the Safeguarding Lead to discuss your concerns. You should also contact the Safeguarding Lead if you know or suspect that a member of staff or student has a previous history of abuse or children and/or vulnerable adults.


If the Designated Safeguarding Lead is not immediately available, you should contact another. You must not try to investigate the matter on your own. Staff are not equipped or qualified to do so. Contact details for the Designated Safeguarding Leads can be found within this policy & procedure and on notices at any of the company sites and websites.


If, following initial contact with the Designated Safeguarding Lead, a written report using the expression of concern template must be prepared and sent via safeguarding email address. A written report is essential to prevent any misrepresentation of your findings and should be sent to the Designated Safeguarding Lead within 24 hours of the suspicion arising. The report should be factual and should not include opinions or personal interpretations of the facts presented. The report should contain as much details as possible, including any apparent physical signs of abuse or other circumstances which have led to your suspicions, or the account given to you of abuse by the child or vulnerable adult concerned, as accurately as you are able to record it. If you are unsure about what to write, you can get advice from the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If a child or vulnerable adult comes to you with a report of apparent abuse, you should listen carefully to the child or vulnerable adult, using the following guidelines. When listening to a child or vulnerable adult, staff must;

·        allow the child or vulnerable adult to speak without interruption;

·        never trivialise or exaggerate the issue;

·        never make suggestions;

·        never coach or lead the child or vulnerable adult in any way;

·        reassure the child or vulnerable adult, let them know you are glad they have spoken up and that they are right to do so;

·        always ask enough questions to clarify your understanding, do not probe or interrogate – no matter how well you know the child or vulnerable adult – spare themselves having to repeat themselves over and over;

·        be honest – let the child or vulnerable adult know that you cannot keep this a secret; you will need to tell someone;

·        try to remain calm – remember this is not an easy things for them to do;

·        do not show your emotions – if you show anger, disgust or disbelief, they may stop talking. This may be because they feel they are upsetting you or they may feel your negative feelings are directed towards them;

·        let the child or vulnerable adult know you are taking the matter very seriously;

·        make the child or vulnerable adult feel secure and safe without causing them any further anxiety.

·        The Designated Safeguarding Lead will be responsible for recording essential information about each case and for collecting reports and notes as appropriate. Any detailed information about a case will be confined to the Safeguarding overall Lead, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, the Head of Apprenticeships and Commercial and/or personnel (if not involved in the allegations), and the parents/guardians/carers and the individual concerned. Where a referral to an external agency is to be made, the Designated Safeguarding Lead will advise the Designated Person for Safeguarding. The Manager(s) and staff reporting the allegations will be kept informed of the progress of the case on a ‘need to know’ basis.


Next Steps from the Designated Safeguarding Lead

Taking into account all the information available, the Designated Safeguarding Lead will decide on the next steps, which may include taking no further action. Where the Designated Safeguarding Lead decides that further action is necessary, this may be to;

·        Seek further advice from the Children’s Trust

·        Make a referral to the appropriate agency, as signposted

·        Report the incident to a designated Social Worker as signposted

·        Report the matter to the police if a crime is suspected if a referral is made, this must be confirmed in writing to the appropriate agency within 24 hours.

·        Any Prevent risk, the Designated Safeguarding Lead should notify the relevant BIS Prevent Co-ordinator and others as necessary such as the SFA EFA Police and local Authority.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead may consider that those involved may require counselling. Where it is felt there is a need for counselling, (which could be for the child/ren, other students, staff, parents or carers involved) the Designated for Safeguarding Lead will make the necessary arrangements.


Confidentiality and trust should be maintained as far as possible, but staff must act on the basis that the safety of the child and vulnerable adults is the overriding concern. The degree of confidentiality will be governed by the need to protect the child or adult at risk. The child or vulnerable adult should be informed at the earliest possible stage of the disclosure that the information will be passed on. All conversation regarding a child or vulnerable adult should always be held in private, Dynamic Training UK Ltd complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, which allows for disclosure of personal data where this is necessary to protect the vital interests of a child and adult at risk. Whatever happens, you should always be open and honest with the child or vulnerable adult if you intend to take the case further.


This Safeguarding Policy overrides Data protection where it is deemed that an individual is at risk


Staff must not discuss the case with anyone other than those involved in the case. If staff have any concerns about the progress of the case or have any other concerns these must be discussed with the Designated for Safeguarding Lead.

Allegations against staff

The primary concern of the organisation is to ensure the safety of the child and vulnerable adult. It is essential in all cases of suspected abuse by a member of staff that action is taken quickly and professionally whatever the validity. There are occasions where a child or vulnerable adult will accuse a member of staff of physically or sexually abusing them. In some cases, this may be false or unfounded. However, in some cases the allegations may be true. Any instance of a child or vulnerable adult being abused by a member of staff is particularly serious. On the other hand for an innocent person to be accused of such an act is a serious ordeal which can result in long-term damage to their health and career.


In the event that any member of staff suspects any other member of staff of abusing a student, it is their responsibility to bring these concerns to the Head of Apprenticeships and Commercial or Managing Director (following process chart).

On being notified of any such matter the Head of Apprenticeships and Commercial and/or Managing Director shall;

·        Take such steps as she/he considers necessary to

·        ensure the safety of the child or vulnerable adult in question and any other child or vulnerable adult who might be at risk

·        Report the matter to the local social services department

·        Ensure that a report of the matter is completed by the person who

·        reported the original concern.


If the concern is related to the Prevent Agenda the Designated Safeguarding Lead shall complete the following step/s:

·        Assess the nature and extent of the risk

·        Develop the most appropriate support for the individual

·        Refer to multi agency partners / Channel

Staff Coe of Conduct
Dynamic Training UK Ltd recognises that it is not practical to provide definitive instructions that would apply to all situations at all times whereby staff come into contact with children and vulnerable adults and to guarantee the safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults and staff.


Staff however should have sufficient training to recognise vulnerable learners and be aware of what action to take. This will include making referrals to the Channel Programme and where to get additional advice and support.


However, below are the standards of behaviour required of staff in order to fulfil their roles and duty of care. This code should assist in the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and members of staff. These guidelines also apply to volunteers who work in an unpaid capacity in company premises.


Staff must:

Implement the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures at all times, including acting to promote children and vulnerable adult’s welfare, follow the Prevent Agenda and challenge unsuitable behaviour and beliefs. Management, delivery and support staff are to exemplify Fundamental British Values and all are to treat other people with respect to the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. Staff must understand the factors that make people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas.


Staff must never:

·        Engage in rough, physical games including horseplay with children and vulnerable adults/students.

·        Allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any kind.

·        Touch should always be in response to the child or vulnerable adult’s need.

·        Touch should always be appropriate to the age and stage of development of the child or vulnerable adult.

·        Touch should always be with a child or vulnerable adult’s permission.

·        Do things of a personal nature for children or vulnerable adult they can do for themselves or that their parent can do for them.

·        Force is usually used to either control or restrain this can range from guiding a child or vulnerable adult to safety by the arm through to

·        more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a

·        fight or where the individual needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury.

·        In all circumstances, physical restraint must be appropriate and reasonable; otherwise the action can be defined as assault.

·        Make sexually suggestive comments to or within earshot of a child or vulnerable adult.

·        Have children or vulnerable adults on their own in a vehicle. Where circumstances require the transportation of children or vulnerable adults in their vehicle, another member of staff/volunteer must travel in the vehicle. It is also essential that there is adequate insurance for the vehicle to cover transporting children or vulnerable adults as part of the business of your work. In extreme emergencies (for medical purposes) where it is required to transport and child or vulnerable adult on their own, it is essential to take another leader and the parent is notified immediately.

·        Take a child or vulnerable adult to the toilet unless another adult is present or has been made aware (this may include a parent, group leader).

·        Spend time alone with a child or vulnerable adult on his/her own, outside of the normal tutorial/classroom situation. If you find you are in a situation where you are alone with a child or vulnerable adult, make sure that you can be clearly observed by others.

·        Engage in a personal relationship with a child or vulnerable adult/student or a vulnerable adult who becomes student, beyond that appropriate for a normal teacher/student relationship.

·        Communicate with learners through social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

·        Give learners their personal mobile telephone number or use their personal mobile to communicate with learners. This includes the sending and receiving of texts from a personal mobile.

NSPCC helpline to Report Abuse in Education
A helpline has been created by the NSPCC to report current or non-recent abuse in education.  The helpline is there to help:

·        children and young people who want to share current and non-recent experiences of sexual abuse and harassment

·        children and young people who want to talk about being involved in or witnessing any incidents

·        anyone who works or volunteers in a school setting and needs support and guidance

·        adults who have experienced non-recent abuse

·        parents and carers who are concerned about their own child or other children.

Young people and adults can contact the Report Abuse in Education NSPCC hotline  on 0800 136 663 or email

Filtering and Monitoring


Dynamic Training is committed to ensuring a safe and secure digital environment for all learners, employees, and employers associated with our apprenticeship programs. This section outlines our approach to filtering and monitoring internet traffic to protect against inappropriate content and potential harm while respecting privacy and user rights.


The primary objectives of our filtering and monitoring policy are to:

·        Foster a respectful and inclusive learning environment.

·        Prevent access to inappropriate or harmful content.

·        Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

·        Protect the privacy and rights of all users.

User Conduct

All users are expected to adhere to our standards of online behaviour, which prohibit harassment, discrimination, hate speech, and any form of disrespectful communication. Violations of these standards should be reported to the designated safeguarding lead at

Filtering and Monitoring Strategy

Dynamic Training employs a comprehensive strategy to manage filtering and monitoring, which includes:

1.     URL and Content Filtering: Restricting access to inappropriate websites and blocking harmful information using predefined rules and content analysis.

2.     Malware and Antivirus Filtering: Scanning for and blocking malicious software to protect our network and devices.

3.     Regular Testing and Review: Conducting biannual tests and reviews of filtering systems to ensure effectiveness and compliance with the DfE's requirements.

4.     Roles and Responsibilities: The Head of Apprenticeships & Commercial Leads the digital strategy, while the Finance Director oversees governance. Our IT service provider, RazorBlue, manages technical implementations and provides regular reports.

Monitoring and Reporting

Dynamic Training monitors network usage and generates reports on internet activity to identify potential security threats and ensure compliance. Reports are reviewed biannually by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the board of directors.

Privacy and Data Protection

We adhere to the Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that personal data is processed lawfully, transparently, and securely. Our practices include:

·          Collecting data only for specified, legitimate purposes.

·          Ensuring data accuracy and security.

·          Limiting data retention to necessary periods.

Communication and Training

All staff and learners receive training on safeguarding, including online safety, during induction and through regular updates. Training materials are provided to ensure understanding and adherence to the policy.

Consequences for Violations

Violations of the filtering and monitoring policy may result in consequences ranging from warnings to permanent bans, depending on the severity. Appeals can be made in writing to the senior leadership team within 7 days of the reported violation.

Implementation and Review

This policy is reviewed every six months to address emerging issues and ensure its effectiveness. The SLT and Directors evaluate the filtering and monitoring provision annually, documenting findings and updates.

Related Dynamic Training Policies

There are other specific Dynamic Training policies that have our approach to safeguarding embedded within them, with the purpose of ensuring that safeguarding practice is embedded in them. These include:

·        Safer Recruitment Policy

·        Prevent Policy

·        Whistle Blowing Policy

·        Privacy Policy

·        Health and Safety Policy

·        Complaints Policy

·        Modern Slavery Statement

·        Anti-bullying Policy.


Updated: 10/02/2025

Updated: 10/03/2025

Review Date: 31/01/2026

Approved by Oliver Hill